The Idaho Episcopal Foundation depends on generous contributions from individuals who share our passion for this charitable work. Your gifts support our operations, but more importantly, your gifts support our Grants Program. The donations we receive allow us to fund numerous community projects, each making a real difference in the lives of others across our Diocese.
We hope you will consider making a gift and help us continue to respond to God’s call in meaningful and lasting ways. The Idaho Episcopal Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your gift is always tax-deductible.
Donate By Phone
Make your credit or debit card donation over the phone by calling Janet Hasson at (208) 345-4440.
Donate Online
Make a gift online by clicking clicking this link and using your credit or debit card. You can make a one-time gift or set up a payment plan for monthly contributions. This system is safe and secure.
Give a Gift of Stock
Make a tax-deductible contribution using appreciated stock by contacting Janet Hasson at or (208) 345-4440.